Monday 7 April 2014

Psycho Side Bitches

I have a friend who's been with her boyfriend for about 4 years. They have what I call a "roller coaster" relationship. One minute they're super happy and completely in love, and the next they're arguing incessantly. And it's a cycle that repeats itself too often.

One of the main reasons why they argue is due to her belief that he doesn't appreciate her. She says that he is always talking to other girls and flirting with them online even after she told him how she felt about it numerous times. Apparently, there is one in particularly whom she absolutely hates. Let's call the hated side bitch Ericka.

So this morning while I was trying to do some reading for class, my phone started plinging off the hook. It was my friend, texting me to say that she wasn't going to attend class today because she was in a mess. Right away I knew it had to be the boyfriend. He's always the reason why she's upset. Let's call him Ryan.

So I asked Nadia (my friend) what was wrong. In the minutes it took for her to respond I was anticipating the paragraphs of texts she would send about the most recent argument they'd had. And I wasn't disappointed. In a whole heap of messages, she basically said that she had given Ryan an ultimatum. He had to choose between her or the hated side bitch Ericka or they were over for good. She said that he had chosen her but then the hated side bitch went super psycho when she found out and began cutting herself. The psycho even threatened to slit her own throat.

Now the whole time I'm thinking:

I told her to tell Ryan to call the police and have nothing more to do with the psycho side bitch. But she said that he didn't want to because he really cared for her (Ericka) and actually didn't want her to kill herself. I was rolling my eyes at this point.

Now, Nadia said she was really upset over the fact that Ryan tried to console the psycho by agreeing to be with her instead of with Nadia. But he told Nadia that he still wanted to be with her nevertheless and didn't want to lose her. Reading this, I was like ... WHAT??

I told her what I thought. If he really decided to turn over to the psycho's side she should leave him for good (She's always threatening to leave him so I figured this would only fall on deaf ears. Which it did of course). I reiterated the point of calling the police or at least calling the psycho's parents (I just assumed she was still living at home). She said that Ryan called Ericka's mother to check on her. I'm not quite sure what happened after that.

Good gosh, I'm getting texts all now even as I type!

Let's see .... Ah, she's afraid he might leave her for good if the psycho starts begging him to be with her.

You know what? At times like these, I am so glad that I am single. We've got final exams in 3 bloody weeks. Neither of us has time for this shit. And I told her that. She's in love with him and they've been together for a long time so it must be pretty hard to think of ending things. But come on!

Is this what love makes a young woman do? Makes you so blind to your own well-being that you accept shitty treatment repeatedly? Makes you value your worth according to what a man thinks of you?

Nadia needs to put some Destiny's Child on replay. Especially "Independent Woman" and "Survivor".

As for that psycho side bitch? Well she's lucky she's not my problem. I'm no psychiatrist but it only takes common sense to deduce that she has deep-seated cerebral deficiencies. She is obviously seriously mentally disturbed and needs a straight jacket and a ride to the nut house. Women like that have no shame, no dignity, no sense of right and wrong. I would dump him just to avoid her if he has no willpower to distance himself from the psycho.

If I were Nadia, I would never tolerate my man disrespecting me like that in the first place. The first time he goes behind my back to continue flirting with his side bitches would be the last. I would dump his loser ass so fast. Men like that want the best of both worlds when they don't deserve either. Ryan needs to grow the hell up and stop being so damn immature. He's got a good woman. She might be a bit of a pushover but every woman has her breaking point.

It's a slow burn ... like a bomb with a 100 mile long fuse ... a slow burn. Then BOOM!

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